Should the next City of Victoria council receive a 40% pay raise and the mayor 25%?

Before it becomes law, voters have only the next few days (Sept. 12) to register dismay and any disgust with their favorite representative who supported the fat pay hikes.

On Sept. 5 the bylaw received first reading to increase the mayor’s salary to equal the ‘average’ of all Canadian provincial capital cities. As a result, council pay will automatically be hiked.

These estimates from the city manager do not account for cost of living increases and any other pay hikes councils receive across the country in the next two years. In effect, salary increases will likely be closer to 30 and 45% or more.

The manager’s estimate excludes the pay for the mayors of Yellowknife and Whitehorse, both smaller capitals that would drive the average down. But it includes pay for mayors in Canada’s larger capitals, many of which have a population base far greater than Victoria.

Keep in mind, council is arguably a part-time job, as suggested by the recent Citizens Task Force on Remuneration.

Most municipal taxpayers in the region, notably sizeable Saanich, can look forward to hikes in council salaries. And, by the way, city council is also angling for benefit hikes which carry associated costs for local taxpayers.

Most taxpayers will not have had a 45 percent salary increase in the last decade, perhaps during their entire working career. Many are struggling financially, particularly seniors and those on minimum wage and fixed income.

Councillor Susan Kim brought forward the motion, seconded by Jeremy Caradonna. Voting against the raise were councillors Marg Gardiner and Stephen Hammond, and Mayor Marianne Alto.

Without any recall legislation, voters will also get to wield their blunt, black lead pencil at the next municipal election in the fall of 2026.


Chair John Treleaven with host Adam Stirling on CFAX, Sept. 9, 2024.

Remuneration Bylaw 1st Reading and Staff Report on Remuneration Bylaw (Item F1), City of Victoria, Sept. 5, 2024.

Victoria council edges toward pay raise for itself, Times Colonist story, Sept. 7, 2024.

Coun. Marg Gardiner, Speaking Notes for council meeting on Remuneration bylaw (F1), Sept. 24, 2024.

3 thoughts on “Dismay and disgust over fat pay hike”
  1. Not only are Victoria councillors financially incompetent but they are delusional when it comes to recognizing their ‘worth’. Thats bad enough, but their illegal tactics bulldozing drug sites into communities to spread the sewage is criminal and should land them in jail.

  2. When the mayor and councilman do the job of paving the streets provide parking provide water and electricity and pick up the garbage maybe then a discussion about pay
    Right now they deserve nothing but shame on them

  3. Do not agree with the pay increase. Once we have a ward system with Councillors truly consulting their constituents, representing their views and accountable to them, a salary increase should be considered. As it is now, these are only part time jobs with minimal work and not carried out for “the public good”.

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