Vise tightens on regional taxpayers
But Sidney holds the line on property taxes – Apr. 1, 2016 – While the ability of many regional taxpayers to pay their property taxes is under stress, Sidney taxpayers…
Taxpayers outraged with dysfunctional CRD
Province urged to shake-up 50-year-old undemocratic institution – Apr. 12, 2016 – There are a number of reasons why the Capital Regional District hasn’t put a shovel in the ground,…
CRD is a riddle, a mystery, an enigma
Dec. 2015 – Does anyone have the foggiest idea what the Capital Regional District does or know how it operates? It’s time to find out considering your tax assessment is…
After 50 years, CRD still a work in progress
Regional conference on mandate, effectiveness urged Jan. 13, 2016 – The golden anniversary is one of the most celebrated of anniversaries, but maybe not so much with the Capital Regional…
Municipal budgets receive less scrutiny
Last year 6,339 regional homeowners defer property taxes – March, 2016 – Increased use of the province’s property tax deferral program by thousands of local homeowners results in unintended consequences…